2014年4月1日 星期二

Primulina atropurpurea 紫萼報春苣苔 ( syn.Chirita atropurpurea )

Primulina atropurpurea ( syn. Chirita atropurpurea ) 紫萼報春苣苔

A special Primulina species having unique deep green shinny leaves that is so attractive in the genus Primulina. Leaf form of Primulina atropurpurea is a bit similar to Primulina subrhomboidea but peduncles seems to be shorter. Peduncles covered with dense purple hair. Flower color varies in different degree of purple. I am lucky to have a clone that is having more intense purple flowers with better shape compared with other clones.

Close up of Primulina atropurpurea flowers

Primulina atropurpurea whole plant .
Note the unique shinny leave 

