2014年3月31日 星期一

Primulina medica 藥用報春苣苔 ( syn. Chirita medica )

Primulina medica ( Chirita medica ) 藥用報春苣苔

Primulina medica is one of the few species that are having high flower count. Its growing habit is rosette and rarely grow up to a tall plant with long stem. Primulina medica has numerous hairy leaves and can grow up to a leaf span exceeding 30cm. Each plant bears a lot of peduncles making a real nice scene in flowering season. Flowers do not last long and they are quite small compared with other Primulina species.

Hybrids of Primulina medica are rarely seen. I have made one breeding medica with eburnea. Flower count, size and color look like an eburnea and it inherited the hairy leaves and rosette habit of medica.

Might have to observe more hybrids before any advantage of using medica as parantage can be concluded

Mature plants of Primulina medica in bloom

A special clone with less red pigment

