2015年2月18日 星期三

Primulina Avery's Fimbri Snow - albino form of Primulina fimbrisepala ( syn. Chirita Avery's Fimbri Snow )

Primulina Avery's Fimbri Snow ( syn. Chirita Avery's Fimbri Snow )

This is an albino variety of the Primulina fimbrisepala. I have register this cultivar name at the TGS last year. You will soon see it in their registry

This variety is pure white in color and is more easier to bloom on tall flower stems. A first bloom plant propagated from leaf cutting can bare 3 flower spikes which make it very showy.

I have used it in my Primulina breeding and I hope more eye catching hybrids can be made with the help of this particular clone.

PS. I have got the spelling wrong in the photos. It should be snow instead of snowy ^^

